Avoid These Three Things While Planning a Hens Party

Your best friend is getting married, and you are asked to be the maid of honour. It would be one of the best feelings in your life and comes with its own responsibility. Pulling a great hens party is a big responsibility, and you must spend a considerable amount of time to plan, buy supplies for hens party activities, and more. But, most of the times, people often get overwhelmed about the party and go on missing out the basic details behind any hens party. So, here we’ve listed the basic three things to look into while planning a hens party to make it a great success.

Don’t Cram the Party Night Before the Wedding

A hens night is your last opportunity to hang and have fun with the bride before she takes her wedding vows. You want this day to be perfect and remembered for a long time. So, don’t cram the party night before the wedding or on a busy weekday. So, plan the hens party weeks before the wedding and ensure that there is nothing else to worry about and plenty of time to recover.

Watch the Guest List

Remember, a hens party is all about the bride, and you must watch who invite to the party. Don’t miss out the people who are important to the bride. Also, don’t invite the mother-in-law or sister-in-law, unless you are sure that the bride will be happy about it.

Don’t Get Lost in the Last Minute Swirl

All the planning for the hens party like purchasing accessories and supplies for hens party games must be done at least two to three days before the party night and don’t leave anything to the last minute. After all, it’s the day to enjoy with the bride, so complete the tasks the earliest to keep stress at bay.